Elder Abuse and the SIRS Reporting System 

This presentation will explore the critical issue of elder abuse in Australia, highlighting its prevalence, types, and impact on older Australians, as well as the systems in place to respond to and report such abuse. The focus will be on the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS), which has been implemented to improve the detection, reporting, and management of elder abuse incidents in residential aged care and community settings.
 Registration Year 2024-2025

Course Content

Elder abuse is defined as a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person. Elder abuse is a violation of human rights and a significant cause of injury, illness, lost productivity, isolation and despair (World Health Organisation, Toronto Declaration on the Global Prevention of Elder Abuse 2002).

This presentation will explore the critical issue of elder abuse in Australia, highlighting its prevalence, types, and impact on older Australians, as well as the systems in place to respond to and report such abuse. The focus will be on the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS), which has been implemented to improve the detection, reporting, and management of elder abuse incidents in residential aged care settings.

Why this session may be relevant to your work

I need to understand what elder abuse is and be able to recognise it. I need to understand the reporting mechanisms and processes required by government. I need to be able to assist and educate my older clients should they be the victim of elder abuse. 

Learning Outcomes

In this session, you will:
  • Explore the concept of Ageism 
  • Review Elder Abuse
  • Investigate SIRS Reporting
  • Discuss my role in the workplace


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Sue Walker


Sue is the director and co-founder of the Nurses for Nurses Network. Sue is a key contributor to the online education platform Nursing CPD – a Continuing Professional Development platform to assist Nurses in meeting their annual CPD requirements.

As a Registered Nurse, Sue holds Degrees in both Nursing and Health Administration, a Master’s Degree in Public Health, and more...