Sit Back and Relax

Our Nursing CPD platform offers flexible learning options that allow you to learn at your own pace, so you can achieve your professional goals while still enjoying your personal life.
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Continuing Professional Development at your Fingertips

The easy choice for your CPD solution



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Full Access to Nursing CPD!

  • Access to an extensive library of Continuing Professional Development learning activities - Hundreds of sessions to choose from!

  • 24/7 Access - Anytime, anywhere!

  • Certificate generated at the time of completion - Stored securely for future access!

  • PLUS!

  • 10% Discount on an ACN membership - Great value!
  • EXCLUSIVE discounts on selected Nursing CPD Events - Retreats, conventions and more!
  • And you can claim your subscription as a tax deduction - Claim as an education expense!
  • What are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Gain full access to all of our Nursing CPD Sessions and choose from hundreds of online sessions delivered by expert presenters - all for one low price!

All this for just


per year!